Leather Oaks Christmas 2018

Holiday at Leather Oaks!

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This Page created on December Sixteenth, 2018

The Moody Rubber Holiday Card

Holiday 2018 Obverse For some time, I've been trying to find more creative poses. My friend Danin encourages me, and was eager when I told him what I envisioned.

LeatherLegs and I go way back, and sometimes, if I'm very nice, we can get into some highly comfortable if not compromising hugs.

But wait! There's more. Behind those big leather legs, or under them, there was my newest creation, a wetsuit modified for extended male comfort. I'll leave it to your personal prudence level whether you want to explore the issue further!

Holiday 2018 Reverse
Leather Hugging Good The black leather sofa has been featured before. It also serves as my alternative bed, and yes, LeatherLegs does begrudginly give me some space. It's close though, so we wrap a lot.
The phorographer moved in closer to capture the look of peaceful rubber to leather communion. Close Personal Contact

The Prism Section

I'm awake now! Finally, I had to get Out of Sofa. And just to check whether I was awake, here is wide open proof.
Two similar poses follow.
It's just a little toy, plastic prism, but it's one of Danin's favorite tools. He's holding the prism in front of a small flashlight. Prism Magic I
Far away in Prism Land I really like this pose. The light catching my beard really improves it!

The Masculine Exuberance Section

Okay, I told you this was coming! Many of you may know that I sew, not very well perhaps, but with interesting, wearable results. And I also have other intersts which I prefer to keep under wraps. But that doesn't mean out of view! LeatherLegs and I
Hanging Harold Just sitting on a saddle chair, neoprene rubber clad balls hanging free. There are NO socks involved, but how about 65 mm of ball weights?
Danin and I both like the Tower Room Stairs as a posing site. Again, everything gets to hang free and clear. and with more comfort than you might expect! Tower Staircase Rubberman
Staricase Relaxation There's no way a man could be comfortable spread across an open wood staircase? Oh, sorry, I thought it felt pretty good!

2016 and 2017 Leather Oaks Cards There was only one card made in both 2016 and 2017. You can see their photos and a bunch of extras by clicking the icon to the left.
2015 Leather Oaks Cards There were four cards in 2015! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2014 Leather Oaks Cards There were four cards in 2014! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2013 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2013! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2012 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2012! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2011 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2011! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2010 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2010! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2009 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2009! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2008 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2008! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2007 Leather Card There were three cards in 2007! Click the icon to the left for the Leather and Pleather Cards, or click right for the Rubber Card. 2007 Rubber Card
     There are twenty-six more years of photos to page through, and they're all just one mouse click away! Click on logo at the right to continue your Christmas journey. Christmas Card Back Issues! !