The Warm, Conventional Card
We said that last year was the Year of the Railroad, but in a way so was 2010. Fortunately, a photographer friend thought it would be fun to take some pictures I couldn't do very well myself. At the left is the published card. To the right is Danin's original photograph. The background is one of the big stands of Chinese Bamboo that surround Leather Oaks.
On these and many of the remaining photos, the link is to a larger and sometimes more inclusive view of the same image. |
* * * WEB Extra * * * Danin really liked my bamboo, so we took a bunch of shots over there. It wasn't too itchy, honest! Well, some of the pictures did stray from the bamboo. Danin used his helicopter to capture this great view of Harold at rest, the cares of the Rubber & Rawhided RR momentarily dismissed from his innermost thought. |
The Other non-Leather Card
And is it more or less conventional??