Why Leather Oaks? I've always admired oak trees. Every place I've lived on the Gulf Coast, there have been live oaks or water oaks on the grounds. And, just like baskets, the bigger and gnarlier, the better! Their shade and spreading branches have engendered other ideas, too. A few decades ago, I quit saying "Hello" when answering the phone. Looked out my back door and saw the answer. "Leather Oaks, here's Harold". If there's a dead silence on the other end of the line, I know that it's either a wrong number or a sales pitch. With the advent of computers, and a very simple graphics program named Fontasy, Leather Oaks also became my letterhead!
also make great backdrops for leather poses. The pants I converted
from a pair of Sears jeans. Oh, this live oak is about 42 feet in
circumference! |
Another Daddy Oak pose, and what have we here? The surplus ammunition belt almost looks like a sporran, but I'm not aware of any Scottish blood! The pigskin shirt is smooth side in, and very nicely oiled now: It was new when this photo was made. You only get one guess for who made the brass-studded codpiece, and if you also assumed that the same person did the modification of some staid Sears jeans into cargo shorts, you would be correct. And the Apache Boots? Well, it does make a pretty effective ensemble, now doesn't it?? |
lost in the shade of the photo to the right is the smaller oak at my old place. I'm gazing at the fallen fork of a large branch. My WesCo Crotch High lace-up boots are worn over shorts I copied from the Bike Scrimmage style. These two trees were my favorite posing places when I lived in town! You'll find in the future that they link to a whole range of additional oak-centered leathery scenes! |
The best part of moving Leather Oaks to my "River Location" was that I got 5 Oaks to play with! Here, you're glancing over my shoulder at the most climbable of the bunch. Yes, folks, those are Rubber boots over my Pilot Pants! |
Well, it's actually a pecan tree at my old place, but it was gnarly and had these satifying knobs sticking out here and there. This suit was from Black on Black Leathers in San Diego. The briefs were too big, even though I ordered Small. Rather than send them back, I added two more sets of eyelets. The sides are actually doubly laced, making for a very conforming fit. The bulge is all mine, and most satisfying, thank you! |
The oak with the most character at my new place has to be this one, but it's surprisingly hard to get a good picture. This is another crossover photo. The shorts are neoprene Nasty Pig from Mister S, the muscle tank from International Male, and Cabela's insists that the rubber boots are for Coon Hunting!! While you can't quite make it out in this photo, the dark brown rubber is textured with a herringbone grid effect. I presume that raccoons are particulary drawn to this pattern? Maybe if you run your thumbnail over the grid?? Just a thought!! |
To the right, is one of the better pictures of that largest Oak on my new place. I guess in a former hurricane, it got a decided slant. While not that evident from this angle, my ersatz Santa Riding suit shows up rather well, wouldn't you say? |