The Leather Oaks Hot Garden -- Wetsuit Wanderer, Page Four

Pages of Wetsuits in dozens of poses . . . and Harold

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This Page Created on January 15, 2013
Harold the Rubber Gargoyle You know about gargoyles, those fanciful drain fittings they put on cathedrals to divert rain water? Has Harold finally found his true rubber vocation?
     Sometimes you just have to photograph while the rain is falling. Somehow I didn't get the inside of my waders too wet! Rain hat?  What Rain Hat!
Rainsoaked Bulges are WET!      It doesn't get much better than this. A truly rain-soaked bulge!
     I'm thinking 2008 is going to be an interesting year. I retired two weeks ago, and already I'm a kid again! Darn!  Did the Rain Quit?
Rain-Happy Rubberman Harold      It appears that I'm intent on catching those last drops. Not only is this an interesting set of sensations, but the wet patterns are neat too.
      Three more Live Oak Grove photos, made just a few weeks after the last ones. It was just an opportunity to feature the Zoot Triathlon Suit, and the old Red Ball Waders. Zoot Suit and Red Ball
Knuckled Bulge ZootSuiter Harold      Bulge presentation in the Zoot Triathlon suit has always been great. The Knuckled Foam JockUps are my favorite, but they are very hard to sell to others!
     It's hard to get a better bulge view than this! The aluminum stake in the last three photos is helping to train what was for a time the largest of the new Live Oaks. It's growing right next to the old root structure, which made it come up at an angle. Gazing Rubberman
Orca Apex and Pewter Spitting Frog      My Pewter Spitting Frog catches a lot of grief. Either he's spraying innocent hikers crossing the Bridge over Lake Orin, or worse still, he's not spitting at all!
We've scheduled this meeting to try to arrange a compromise.
     If you look very closely, Mister Frog is wearing my glasses! Maybe he'll see his duty more clearly? Harold and Frog converse
Okay, it's settled, then?      Froggy and I have finally come to an understanding. He'll work whenever I clean his pipes, and change his pump. Yes, sir, consider it done!
     That's all the garden wetsuit poses for now. If you need help getting back to the Hot Garden page, just click the link on the photo to your left.