Goodness, how many boots am I wearing?? I see, the left foot has found the green nude Chester leg, while the right is still in the Olive Ranger. There must be some reason to throw the other hip boot over my shoulder? |
My right shoulder did look a little bare in the previous photo, so of course I had to remedy that! Does this advance the donning process? It doesn't impede it! |
Well looka there! Two legs in two Chester's feet, I guess it can be done! Of course, we'll maintain the Ranger Olive Hippers as backup. Knew those extra snaps on the leg straps were good for something. |
The Chest Waders are just about up, and I'm quietly enjoying the sensual feel of bare rubber against bare skin. But what are those Rangers trying to do? Looks like they've wrapped their leg straps around my neck twice already! Excuse me a moment. Maybe we'd best move on to another scene for a while! |
Well, this sure looks comfy! Vinyl waders, with my Power Force harness doing tasteful double duty as waist band and waders leg control: Sure is plenty of room for my bulge to be both visually and manually appreciated! |
My right profile has always been my best. Between the sand-blaster's gloves, the linesman's gauntlets, and the rubber harness I made to support them, there's not a whole lot of flesh for radiant cooling, is there? |
So you caught me with my hands behind my back! What kind of play is that, you might ask, and I wouldn't have a very clear answer. I do appear to be enjoying the moment, though! |
It appears my gloves are off? Could this be when the really serious play begins? Or was it just easier to operate the camera remote!
We've reached the bottom of Playful Page Three, so please click on the photo at left to continue the party! |