I've an almost equal number of photos of two thoroughly rubber but thoroughly different suits. Let's alternate through them and see how it goes, okay? The first suit was made by Nasty Pig of New york, although I got them through Mr. S. The rise is just high enough to use a Giant Banana or other protective cup in the moderately sized pouch. Sometimes the zipper does creep downwards, but never disastrously so!
The inner tube briefs were made over ten years ago by a guy in Chicago. I might have told before that I didn't really even order them, but he sent them as lagniappe. Well, the two items I ordered do get some use, especially his inner tube jockstrap, but these briefs get many times the mileage! It appears that a leafy shrub is trying to attack me, but with the Olympia hard cup inside these briefs, I'm just about invulnerable! |
You should really be careful in using a Shop Vac as a seat. Those hoses can get you under wraps pretty fast! |
Ah, the magic of ArmorAll! Talk about a liquid effect, they appear to be exuding water, almost. The shrub is still holding its distance, but we're keeping an eye on it, just the same. |
Well, I can let nature take its course upon occasion, and I believe this is one of them! They are softly lined, and much as I hate to admit it, do an admirable job of allowing a natural bulge to flourish.
We seem to have finally moved out of range of that pesky shrub! I think he's still shadowing us though, so beware, my friend. This is another one of my attempted Imperial Poses, I believe! |
Oh my! It appears that a masked rubberman is about to remote out of the area! Where do you suppose we'll end up? |
Sometimes the simplest photos are the best. No complicated plot here, just a moment of rubber quality time in the sun! |
This is an okay photo, but it could be so much better! Won't someone tell the masked rubberman to pull his bleepin' gloves up properly?! Don't bite your lip now feller, it's not going to end with this photo! Still, confidentially now, ain't it a great bulge?! |
It's almost the same pose, isn't it? Gives me an opportunity to point out the hard edge of my bulge. Those briefs are so tough and tight that one doesn't really want to wear them without a hard cup. Do you want to try to guess which cup I'm wearing? Answer two slides lower! |
Thank you, thank you! That's much better. your gloves do glisten nicely, even if they're still somewhat retracted. I like the way the Nasty Pig trunks take a partial shine, too: The pouch is a shrkskin surface, so it never gets really glossy. But the side panels make up for it, don't they? |
Did you guess the Giant Banana Cup? Well, you guessed right, my friend! It takes some engineering to pack that thing into the inner tube rubber pouch, but the results are a stunning display, and it actually feels quite comfortable inside! The secret is in folding the waist of the briefs over the top of the cup, and following that edge all the way around the waist. Gives a lower rise, too!
Well, the remaining portion of the Rubber Trunks section is getting rather brief, yuck-yuck! Follow this link to Page Five!