Leather Oaks Christmas 2014

Holiday at Leather Oaks!

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This Page created on September Seventh, 2015

The 2014 Leather Photos

High on the Saddle! My Northport friend made a series of photographs as I left his place last October. This was just about the last before I donned my helmet. Safety is so Dorky!

I did own Suzukis before succombing to the call of the Spyder!

The linked photo is another not for riding pose!
We tried a couple of attempts to get me smiling in the passenger position. The link is to the other version. Smiling in the Saddle

The 2014 Rubber Photos

Endlessly Wetsuited? This is an Orca "Equip" suit. 'Twas a tad small, so of course I modified it, for comfort you understand.
It's a simple ersatz-rubber jock, forgotten who made it.
There is a small possibility that some folks may ask about the hood and mask. Both were from 665 Leathers. The hood is called the Cock Fighter! The mask?
This was my incognito card.
Wetsuit Harold and Fiberglass Tex

The 2014 Harold in Hand Photos Card

Hercules and Handy Harold This Lamar wetsuit is at least two sizes too small. Even cutting off the sleeves made it but marginally comfortable.

It's my old basketweave pattern leather jockstrap on containment duty.

Yes, the neoprene harness is being worn incorrectly. But I've got an excuse: It was assembled wrong!

A certain Hunter named Apollo asked for a picture too.
These boots are real neoprene, none of that tacky latex or butyl rubber! Does LaCrosse even still make them? They're so comfortable! Handful of Harold

The Bulge inspired 2014 Photos

It's been a while, hasn't it?

LeatherLegs and Tall Leather Boots The pants are Swedish motorcycle-inspired. The very tall leather boots are from Boots for Guys.
LeatherLegs was my first alternative take on pillow construction.
Now this is bulging! The briefs are a pair I inherited from my Texas friend Lee.
The climbing belt is one of my oldest and most comfortable. The link is an alternative view.
Leather Pouchfront Briefs
Standing on a Bannister! I won't argue with anyone who calls this photo tasteless. It didn't work the way I had hoped it would!
The Neoprene Pouch Shorts from 665 Leathers, and an old latex tanktop.
In the alternative view, a unique gel pouch jock is what's providing the enhanced bulge. The company making this device has vanished without a trace!
Pouch Front Shorts