This page might also have been titled the hot and cold of my Nudeoprene experiments. The outdoors scenes were made in mid-May, while those indoors were from February. To keep you guessing, we'll sort of alternate. Hint: I usually bare more skin when it's warmer!! It's not terribly warm in my Great Room, so a fair amount of insulation is warranted. Or maybe a little bit more, including knee braces over the knee-length shorts. |
What a marvelous spring day to attack a few weeds! The shorts are those first that I made from waffled Nudeoprene, with moderately bulgy pouch of the same material. There is a conventional jockstrap employed inside for equipment containment, and probably a couple of JockUps for basket definitiona and enhancement. But other than that, it's all me, folks! |
Here's another "Left Knee, Right Knee" pairing, the latter available by link. The right knee pose also shows off more effectively the harness (Max Cita's creation) and my elbow braces fabricated from left-over wetsuit shirt sleeves. |
I must confess I soon lost interest in the "weeding" motif for this sequence of photos!! Point of fact, I believe I was enjoying a particularly agonizing backstretch about then. Couldn't have been anything more personal, now could it? |
It appears that a waffled nudeoprene rubberman has all but taken over my leather couch. My Ranger Firemaster flexes very nicely under the stress, I'd say! The shirt, if anyone's intersted, is from Mister S. Yup, it's still my old Acme! |
Let me see now, hands on knees, then flex my legs -- no, that's not right! I love the way the dappled sun plays on my chest and arms, and it doesn't hurt my trunks' pouch either! |
Back inside again, and gazing at the ceiling? An almost broadside view of my pouch. These shorts fit very snugly, but it usually takes a couple of jockstraps and three JockUps to make the pouch feel right. While the unitiated may dismiss this admittedly rather large bulge as tasteless excess (if they want to be kind), the tactile response to even the lightest touch is wonderful. Remember the Princess and the Pea story? Well, it works with male equipment too, I'm proud (and pleased) to say! |
We've had many interesting pairings along the way, but how about a pair of palmed pouches? The photo to our left shows lines of the folded top of the trunks and the jockstrap's waistband clearly. The linked photo was another fun pose, so you get both to enjoy! |
"To lounge or to recline," that appears to be the question. Lounging brings to mind lounge lizards and couch potatoes, both too sedentary for this rubber-active man! Reclining, isn't that somehow more energetic, more intense? |
If this wasn't such a great pose, I wouldn't have shown a headless photo! And note, for once my hands are behaving!! Sure hope you've enjoyed all of the waffled male basketry, and I'm looking forward to "seeing" you on the next page! |