The Leather Oaks Garden -- Post Katrina ! !

Schematic Stream -- Bigger and Better!

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This Page Created on February 6th, 2008
Schematic Stream Reset      It had been a bad idea, in hindsight, to not set the basin of the Kidney pondlet fully into the ground. The water got awfully cold, making it difficult to keep fish healthy.
     Re-setting the pond, and digging the other sections of the Schematic Stream into place had been held up waiting for the big pin oak's root hole to be filled in. It was a cold day in February when work commenced.
     Despite the deeper set of the kidney pond, the other sections still wanted to rise faster than the yard's slope in this area.
     Fortunately, Mike had brought plenty of extra dirt, so the land got re-contoured to match the stream. Unfortunately, I don't have construction photos showing the last two sections being installed!
Schematic Stream Rebuild Continues
     Because there were so few construction photos, I created the image below from two available pictures. It gives a better idea of how the pieces fit together.
The Planted Stream put together
The Planted Stream Put Together
     The last construction photo of the new Schematic Stream shows the whole project complete. Well, landscaping to follow, as they say. Schematic Stream II