The Leather Oaks Hot Garden -- Wetsuit Wanderer

Pages of Wetsuits in dozens of poses . . . and Harold

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This Page Created on January 15, 2013
Ironman in Iron Chains Welcome to one of the biggest Beds in the Hot Garden. About half a dozen or more wetsuits get called into service, exploring reaches of the Leather Oaks Garden usually missed on the regular tours. Lots of moisture, some even on the outsides of my suit. Lots of variations on the Bulge Theme, Lots of boots, maybe even non-waders!
We're going to start in late 2001 and head towards 2008. I know, think of all the stuff we won't get to explore this time. But my Ironman wetsuit was already a two-year old even then!
     I think these two pictures might have been made near the back steps, but it's hard to say. This was before the Endless Pool changed the lanscape back there. Chains and Harness and Harold
Bulgy Beauchat and Unlined Waders      It's the always slick looking Beuchat, probably in early 2002. I think those are the original version of my unlined waders.We're in the front yard near the fence.
     An early picture of an already vintage Orca wetsuit. Those would be the Bekina waders, too, I believe. We're over near the pond, to the West of the Leather Oaks Memorial Bell Tower. Orca and Bekina
Harold and Pewter Frog      I must have drowned that old Orca suit in Armor All. That's certainly the slickest and shiniest it's ever looked. Even the gussets under the arms -- Amazing! For reasons that are no longer clear, the celebrated spitting frog was not spitting that day.
      I hope I didn't treat the Bridge over Lake Orin: It's usually slick enough. This must be a JockUp-free photo session, but we can deal with that. This would have been Summer 2006. Orca on the Bridge
Kneeling Orcaman      The problem with the old Orca was that it was about a size too big. That and it rode low, if I wasn't very observant when pulling it on.
     The Orca had other problems relating to its age. It had been practically worn out by a former owner, who based on the wear patterns must have bicycled and surfed while wearing it. I had to patch both knees and the butt! Orcaman on the other knee
SpreadSeated Orcaman      If you look real closely, you can make out the butt patches. I like this pose a lot.
     Wetsuits are such a sensual delight to wear. Even turning while seated, you feel the suit gently resisting. Harold over the Shoulder
Subtly Bulged Orcaman      What a beautiful bulge in an unadorned, unencumbered, classic suit! I'd say we were still near the Rubber Creek, from the luxuriant nature of the ferns.
     We're about a quarter of the way through our wetsuit wanderings. To see more, just click the link on the photo to your left.