The Leather Oaks Hot Garden -- Heated Caver

The Oak Tree Root Ball Cavern Exploration Session
Page Two

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This Page Created on March 23rd, 2008
Roof Probe Preparations The roof of the rootball cavern was dangerously, nay temptingly low. Was I already preparing for some booted probing of that structure? Better get your dust mask. Oh, and bring one for me, too!
     See, I TOLD you that dirt was loose! This is the first photo clear enough to see the damage. Dusty Rubberman Harold gazes at dirt roof
Booted Contortions      There's still some of the roof hanging in there. Surely I'm not about to attack it again. Maybe I'm just glad I can still do such contortions?!
     It appears that some of the roof is still up there. So, maybe further reverse progress will be made?
Some dirt ceiling remains!
Booted shoring for dirt ceiling?      You know, somehow I don't believe this is going to be a very effective strategy for shoring up the ceiling. Unless I grow some more rubber legs.
      Wow! Old Harold is sure looking dusty! Resigned to his fate, too: It appears that the only way in is backwards. Harold prepares to worm his way downwards
Harold slithers further downwards!      Now we're clearly making progress in a downwards, inwards way!
      The camera's zoom keeps things up close and personal, though.
      Speaking of personal, if you want to see the rest of this session, this photo is your link to Page Three!