The Leather Oaks Garden -- 2005 Summer Photos

LeatherOaks Logo
This Page Created on January 28th, 2008
Ghost Leather Oaks My house had been needing to be repainted for several years. I'd been needing the change too. So you would be right to conclude that repainting the house was a bigger event than the garden this year!
     When Craig was preparing the house and garage for the big change from cold greys to warm yellow, I told him that I'd take care of my Leather Oaks logo. They'd been up there so long (over 10 years) that even though removed, you can still make them out!
     Of course, painting full walls in a bright color makes a dramatic change under any circumstances. I was intrigued at some of the small changes, too. The dormer's side, and the Tower Room, already have the new paint. The front of the dormer has only been prepared. Dormer Contrasts
Second Dormer painting      Craig's at work on the second dormer. He said this was the hardest part of the job. He couldn't start too early, or the roof was still damp. Too late and the glare would make it hard to see what he was doing.
      We began looking for cloudy days!
     Finally, the job is done!
      I used a similar trim color to repaint the Logo and lettering and employed Antique gold on the edges, followed by two coats of polyurethane for sealing. Despite these efforts, it didn't stay looking new for a year!
Leather Oaks logo going back up
Leather Oaks, the residence      A rather unimaginative photo, but it shows off the new colors handsomely.
      There's enough uneven angles between the house and garage that it always makes a neat area to photograph.
     The Magic Tunnel was really looking fine that summer, too.
Front Planting towards Magic Tunnel
Front Entrance from  East      I see what Craig meant about the roof staying wet! This photo was made mid morning, and you can still see the dark patches. I wonder what a brighter color of roofing would do up there?
     Well, this is a little better! I seem to remember climbing an eight foot ladder to take this picture. Don't ask me why, but it did allow Wolf's wind chime to take part in the festivities. House from the Garden
House from Leather Oaks Pond This may be about your only chance to see my house from Leather Oaks Pond, without SEEING the pond! Aren't those iris tall, though?
     The only photo I could find from 2005 of a regular Pond Tour feature was this shot of the Celebrated Pewter Spitting Frog. Drat, even that fella's dry, today! Pewter Spitting Frog during a drowth