The Leather Oaks Garden -- September 1998

The First Tour Photos, Page Two!

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This Page Created on January 19th, 2008
The Leather Oaks Pond       Everything Mark planned for this area seemed determined to put on a great show in an astonishingly short period of time!
      I think this was the last year I've not had to cut the Chinese Bamboo back severely. So far, I had been content to let it fill in the gaps.
     A closer view of the pond. At this point, almost all of the plants in the pond were either volunteers or things I'd rescued from a nearby ditch or creek! Leather Oaks Pond at Close Range
Pondside Viewing Location      Someone suggested that it would be neat to have a couple of benches to encourage folks to pause and contemplate the garden. This is the first one of them.
     What, another bench? Well, we have come a good ways back from the Pond, and my Sago Palm does have a very good lobby! He keeps talking about those times when he was a mere pup of Grandad Sago. Talking about ego! Sago Palm Admiration Station
Neptune ponders an empty bench      Don't tell Master Sago, but there was another, heartier person I had in mind when siting this particular bench!
      Neptune knows.
      Ah, I think he has a guest even now.
      Wouldn't you love to know what a man in leather shorts has to say to a Roman God? I haven't the Poseidon of an idea.
Neptune Watching Harold Watch Sago Palm Grow
Bridge over Lake Orin      The Leather Oaks Pond's major tributary is Rubber Creek. This view looks downstream towards Diver's Deep.
     Looking the other way from the bridge, the backwaters of the Rubber Creek get real tough to follow very fast.
      In the spring, guys have been known to try rafting through here, and the Fazzio falls can be quite a thrill, I'm told.
Rubber Creek Headwaters
Magic Portal back View It took a few years to get a sensible plan for routing people through the paths without running in to each other.
      This is what one sees walking back towards my "Magic Tunnel".
     The monkey grass looks dense, the cast iron plants healthy under my favorite Live Oak.
      This is the view folks enjoyed as they left Leather Oaks. Hope you enjoyed this first tour, too! The link will take you back to the main Garden page.
Live Oak Border Plantings