The Rubber & Rawhide Railroad

Progress Report for 21st September 2008

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This Page Created on January 20th, 2009
West Side Phase II Track Installed

Phase II Trackwork commences!

Over 720 scale feet of track installed on the Northbound portion of the House Perimeter loop. Work was stopped when the crew realized the next track sections would require bending. Somehow word had leaked out that a new two-rail bender facility had been procured by the management. The track crew fears personnel cuts, but the Chief Engineer is already budgeting the increased leisure time.

Phase II Roadbed Levelling and Assembly completed.

In a rare Sunday afternoon burst of activity, the Chief Arborist and Lead Leveller worked together to settle the remaining roadbed into place. Surveying indicated that the 63 feet of trackage between the Memorial Bell Tower switch and the East Front Porch lead represents an upward incline of 35 inches. Each roadbed section was adjusted in elevation to achieve a nearly smooth and constant grade of 4.6% The photo at right shows the roadbed adjacent to the deck, while the linked photo depicts the roadbed traversing the Magic Portal.

East Side Phase II Roadbed levelled
Roadbed after replanting

It was a real boon having the Chief Arborist with me, as we were able to not only level roadbed, but resettle the vegetation along the Magic Portal in the same process! The close-up photos clearly show the advantage of this arrangement.