The Rubber & Rawhide Railroad

Progress Report for 6th January 2009

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This Page Created on January 6th, 2009
Westbound Porch to House Perimeter Connection Finished!

Westbound Porch to House Perimeter Connection Finished!

We don't want to admit how long this little ten-foot line took to complete! Sometimes, the shortest sections are the hardest to get the curves set just right. The roadbed crew had done such a great job that only two locations required slight elevation adjustments. The Operations Department is still enjoying their extended holiday break, so we have no action photos at this time.

Grade Crossing Treatment on the South Wye to Eastbound Porch Connection

The roadbed crew wasn't interested in leaving the comparative civilization of the Front Porch area, so seeking an excuse, they remembered the delayed but not forgotten desire for more protected rail crossings in the Greater Diver's Loop area. First treated was the newest line, the new South Wye to Eastbound Porch Connection. While the finished grade crossing is essentially on grade on the South (right as viewed) side, there will be gravel fill required to bring the North side up to grade.

Grade Crossing treatment
Grade Crossing treatments

Grade Crossing treatments

Building the grade crossing treatment for the new track was simple, as it was planned with ease of grade protection a primary consideration. Not so were the original West Porch to Diver's Loop line, nor the diagonal line connecting Phase I trackage with the Phase II House Perimeter Route! This photo shows both such lines with the new grade crossing additions to their roadbed. As one can see, substantial fill -- mostly of gravel -- will be necessary to raise the ground level to match rail-top height! No wonder it was such a challenge to use garden vehicles down this side of Leather Oaks, the Garden!