The focus of this page is the "Waffled" in the title. Somehow, my old digital camera had a hard time capturing the waffled finish. Waffled neoprene trunks were an early essay into bulge-modified rubber gear. I bet this was a hotel room photo!
My new Squirm Suit has already discovered the joys of being harnessed over hot rubber! I bet that if you follow this link, you'll reach a page with maybe three or four wetsuits being worn in various technically inappropriate setttings! |
I guess kneeling on a leather hide is supposed to take the institutional edge from this pose! The boots are ProLine Insulated "Waterproof", just to show that I have boots shorter than 24 inches, you understand! Do you suppose there is a JockUps-induced bulge prodding the beavertail outwards? |
Wow! That's some flexible, forgiving neoprene, I'd say. I don't remember going shopping in this rig, but it's good to know the capability is there. There's a whole page devoted to this fun suit, with a wider variety of bulges and settings. Just click on the linked photo. |
This was going to be another photo of the same shirt and shorts, but how about a new, and I think more interesting photo? It's from the same session as the opening photo on the Rubber Themes page. Do you think I'm too old to make it up stairs wearing all that rubber? Well, just watch! |
My newest wetsuit was an eBay gamble. I bid on it because the price was ridiculously low for a brand new Aquaman "Pulsar", 2000 edition. The gamble was that the size was uncertain, but probably very small! This photo is from its first and so far only wear. Yes, I'm happy to report, it's every bit as snug as it appears<G>! The link will take you to its polish and pose session. |
Well, this photo does seem to have a purpose! I might have mentioned that the shorts worn under the beavertail shirt feature an enhanced basket area. In other words, they have built-in bulge. The prominence of the beavertail in this photo should confirm that fact, I'd say. |
Another Bonus photo from that Ironman session! A very neat, understated (for me) bulge, I think featuring a Curved Uplifter JockUp in what I call knuckled foam. The "harness" is a French motorcyclist's kidney belt. |
Another fun to wear, and we're not trying to figure out what it means pose. Yes, this is that same shirt, and my old Kodak digital just didn't seem to catch the waffling that well! I'm betting it's my Rocky neoprene bib waders serving as the "trousers and boots" in this photo. No, there's absolutely no purpose served by wearing a jockstrap on the outside of neoprene waders -- I just felt like doing it, okay?! |
After the thrilling view of my sorely compressed bulge showing bravely through the stresses applied by that neoprene beavertail, I'm about ready for a break! Sure would be great to feel those trunks without that extra warmth. This closeup gives a hint of what it must be like. The linked page shows almost a dozen different variations on this theme of basket-bulged wellness. |
Finally! The last photo of the waffled shirt! And guess what, when it's wet, you can tell that it's waffled!
We've come one-sixths of the way down the Waffled and Wetsuits Section. If you've studiously avoided following any of those intervening links, you're a good boy. For that excellent discipline, we'll reward you with a link to Waffled, Page Two . . . . Enjoy!