Welcome back! Here's that last picture of the very wet Superfront Trunks. It appears that I'm setttled in for a long, rubber soak! Guess we might as well move on to the next topic, then? |
Hockey Jock. That's what I'm told this strange pair of padded shorts is called, although there's no genital protective device contained therein. And (shudder) it's not rubber. But, it is wet, and feels "hot", so it got thrown onto this page. The detail may not be good enough, but I believe that I was wearing a real Goalie's jock on the outside of this thing. |
Forgot to mention, the boots are the old "Coon Hunters" from Cabela. My old Kodak totally erased the grain pattern on the boot fronts, or maybe it just doesn't show when they're wet. |
It may be mostly fabric, but this outfit does transmit good bulges, so it has to have some value in the Leather Oaks scheme of things. |
Ooh! The Hockey Jock Monster has just risen from the hot tub depths, the very fabric of his drenched suit draining in suggestive streams. |
Both this photo and the previous one do show a good bulge, despite the material! Now how did I splash water on the lens? |
Looks like good, clean fun to me, sluicing and standing! I wonder how many deep knee bends I could do that way? |
I'm not sure which briefs these are, but they look great, and they're surely latex! |
Great Bulge, too. Maybe one Knuckled Turquoise JockUp? Let's not wake our rubber sunbather! |
One final pose of the mystery black latex briefs. Maybe I can find them again, sometime!
Wow! That sure went fast! We're already to the bottom of the penultimate Hot Briefs Section! Coming up on the final page are two heavy rubber guys: One wears rubber gloves on his toes, while the other seems to hooded and masked. Here's the link to Hot Briefs, Page Five . . . . Get Ready! |