Long, long time ago, in the 96th year of the Last Century, I went to Virginia. A friend of a pen pal invited me to come visit and bring my rubber. Well, I did, and my new friend suggested we visit a friend of his on Maryland's East bank. BGummi introducted me to Jim, and somehow they thought it would be a great idea to watch me struggle into an old neoprene surfer's suit from O'Neill. It was the suit shown at right in an early morning photo.
I'm not exagerating when I say tht was one fantastic experience my new friends put me through! I had thought I would be smart and pull on a Bike jockstrap before climbing in the suit, never thinking I would need any other protection inside that thick old drysuit. And then the male-specific massage therapy began.
Don't think the guys used ArmorAll, and neither did I. Somehow out of the dawning Biloxi heavens, there came this Son of a Gun of a shower! The aromas from that product just naturally remind me of male sweat of the sweetest variety: Think Floral armpit! Fortunately, as the linked photo demonstrates, the liquid rapidly soaked into the attention-starved rubber. |
There were motorized and manual attentions applied to certain sensitive areas of this Rubberman's anatomy that had never known such pressures. Didn't know the pouch of a Bike could bite like that, but man what a ride my new friends gave me! And every fresh attention seemed to increase the feelings of warmth and enjoying being encased in that great old suit. My reaction then was the same I get today when I'm in comfortable neoprene: How does anyone ever do productive work in these pleasure-packed outfits?!
The spontanous smile is a reflection of what I felt back then! Since I was expecting to take a riding trip shortly, my classic Siren Fireboots got to do duty with my new/old drysuit pal. Isn't the neoprene glistening up well? Mostly it's just being patient and letting it soak in. |
After my session in the O'Neill drysuit, I tried manfully to talk my new friend out of it. No dice, alas, and attemps to find a similar suit weren't too successful. The O'Neill Heat was the closest I came across (photos are available in the Waffled'N'Wet section), and what a disappointment to find that the blue areas were just regular fabric.
Looks like it's time to begin my ride. I'll catch you in a couple hours, Okay? |
Time has moved along, rubberwise, and while I've seen other interesting neoprene suits in black-alternaitve colors, they continue to be very hard to find.
This pair of photos were taken on my return from the ride. Despite it being early October when I made this ride, I was beginning to get chilled by the time I rode my Suzuki Volusia back down my drive.
And then Katrina. I was at a far Northern outpost and it took some pleading to fly back to Baltimore. First thing I did was phone my friend Bgummi! We went out to dinner together, first phoning some mutual friends to let them know I was Okay.
My favorite tree at Leather Oaks, the Rural Locaton, is no more. The big live oak had been tilted at a substantial angle since some previous hurricane, perhaps Camille, and Katrina finished the job. I'm seated on its substantial stump. |
Well, would you believe? Bgummi told me that Jim had been speaking of giving me the O'Neill suit which he had outgrown, but was afraid I wouldn't have room in my suitcases. I allowed as how I always packed with extra space reserved!
One of my chief pleasures in wearing heavy neoprene is to find some provocatively comfortable perch for my butt! There is a linked photo for those of us who prefer less vegetation competing with their bulge appreciation! |
We spent most of Sunday over at Jim's place, trying on lots of gear, and admiring his collection of whips and other things I won't even mention<G>! Jim also let me go through his collecton of classic but unwashed jeans, when he found I had no summer-weight pants with me. When BGummi took me back to my hotel, I had both arms full of unexpected "booty"!
Another photo near the tree stump. It's hard to do a bad pose with such a great fitting suit. And for those who've been dieing to ask, there's only one JockUp enhancing my bulge! |
It was a great relief to get back two weeks AK, and find my house and garage almost totally unscatherd and dry, and except for the loss of the trees, my private world mostly intact. It took a few weeks to recover enough to use Jim's present, here's public acknowledgement that I'm deeply grateful!!
Last spring, that seems an impossibly long time ago, I had my house de-grayed -- that is, painted in bright MayApple Yellow, with a reddish brown trim called appropriately enough, "saddlery"! The photos on this page are some of the first to show Leather Oaks in its new, sunnier livery. I also had the place re-roofed with steel panels simulating Sierra Red slate shingles. The combination I think is stunning, and posing in front of it will be a frequent occurence, I can say! There is a close-up view for those visitors who fear they might have mistakenly gotten to the House Beautiful site! |