Ah, the feel of oiled leather on sweaty skin, and note -- no socks. A favorite summer outfit for years! |
A closeup. The big photo might be a copy in brown
leather of this original from Mr. S. |
| |
With the introduction of another find from Mr. S, their wonderful Laced Pouch Front shorts, my bulge was beginning to, well, bulge!! The lace-side tanktop was from a firm called Black on Black Leathers, in San Diego. The sadly underexposed boots are of rubber equestrian stock. |
What was under those shorts? Only my male equipment,
contained tastefully in this zipfront bikini from Expectations. There
would be more later, Honest ! More of a thong in its briefness, a certain David in England traded it to me for Leather "Reading Material"! |
JockUps and Bountiful Bulges I could devote a whole Web Site to JockUps, a marvelous neoprene insert for conventional jockstraps originally developed by a reclusive gentleman in Massachusetts! In Fact, you can go there right now!! To telescope a very long story, discovering JockUps and the wonderful way they enhance a man's basket both visually and erotically has done wonders for my outlook! In the background photo, there are one or two JockUps under my bikini.
Alas, even on the Gulf Coast, one can't live exclusively in bikinis and
shorts. Eventually, there must be dress pants. I really liked the impressive
jockstrap definition, and it felt even better than it looked!! |
A closeup of my red leather jeans. There are two
JockUps mounded under my Team Duke, and you can just make out the
jockpouch ridges. |
Doctor's Orders The Dr. said I was going to have to start wearing looser gear. I couldn't argue, since it meant more breathing room for my male equipment. The photo below is just a hint of where my bulge displays have been heading recently. Stay tuned ! ! In a summer Sunday favorite, here I'm ready for Church, with a comfortable leatherjock sandwiched between three JockUps > > > > The tan pouch on my hip is the downside of building body-hugging jeans with no pockets. Military surplus serves many customers! |
If by some chance you've already visited my WaderBed page, you may be interested to know that leather can be worn over rubber, and still allow a man to produce and display satisfying bulges! Out of sight but fully functional were a couple of Jockstraps sandwiching three JockUps, latex bermuda-length shorts and latex sock waders. Why can I remember all of this with such clarity, you might ask? Well, it was also the occasion of the second time I've run my trike's gas tank dry, about a mile and a quarter each way to the nearest gas station. When I got home, there was over a pint of sweat in each wader!! |