One of the chief advantages of life at Leather Oaks is the opportunity to spend quality time with a mythical Roman god. Despite his imperious bearing, Jupiter is a pretty good listener. One might be surprised at how close he resides to the tracks. Fact is, he demanded it. Dominion, you know. |
It's best to approach the big man somewhat warily, but once you've made eye contact, things are cool. |
Not exactly the way Adam did it, but that is a different Universe! So, what's so bad about posing with a Roman god? |
The topics of our discussion are not available for public disclosure at this time. |
Yes, it's just as well the microphones were all off during this exchange. Appears that Harold was rather agitated over something! |
Sometimes it can be rather difficult to follow the thread of conversations with Jupiter. At times like these, a respectful silence is your best policy. |
Jupiter's jokes are indeed command performances. Ribald, enthusiastically appreciative noises are your safest course. |
One last pose with the Jupiter, god of the Garden Terminus! |