Statuesque Friends, Page Two

Metal and Concrete Pals . . and Tex!

This page was last updated on: December 18th, 2004
     Julio has this tendency to move from one end of my porch to the other, sometimes to the dismay of unsuspecting visitors!   In this case, it was only his old friend Harold, in a mixed mode outfit of leather Police shirt and polyamide rubber jeans:   They have the slickness of latex, but the durability of lined neoprene. Alas, red was the only choice of stripe colors!  Boots are Iron Age metatarsal support, and as heavy (and fun to wear <G>) as they look!   His plumbing is more cunningly concealed now, too! Julio and Rubberized Leatherman
Julio and Green Rider      This photo was taken about a year ago, and really shows the sad state of rust to which Julio had succombed!  You'll see a lot more of the suit on the Kombis page, if you've not already been there! 
     Fortunately, a new metal preservative has been obtained for Julio.   In this photo, taken just before its application, Julio and I are posing in our best protective gear!   He tends to go for the beaten soup can effect, while I prefer padded leathers.  I understand those metal-wearing guys end up with a good bit of padding under their iron suits anyways, that is probably not as visually appealing as these! Julio and Quilted Leathers
Leather to Iron Face-off       Wow, what kind of face-off is this?  I guess I was reassuring Julio that he would feel better after his anti-rust treatment.   Don't know why we've not seen photos of the rejuvenated Julio yet.  Maybe with the next Leathers Section Update??!!
     Some guys are just SOOO conceited! They're convinced that their birthday suit exposes all of their best points!  We do rather tolerate this behavior in Tex, as he comes by it naturally, in a manner of speaking.  For many years, Tex stayed in an honored corner of my Lameuse Street living room.   Didn't realize how many photos I had of my Maroon Western shirt!  Tex au naturel and Harold fully Leathered!
Tex in Harness      When we do get Tex in clothes, it's almost always some pretty wild gear!   I don't know if I could wear the narrow harness as convincingly as he.
      He tries to keep it quiet, but Tex started out life in Retail Sales:   Actually, he was quite a striking dummy!  Someone rescued him from a failed department store and restored his dignity by converting his plastic self to stone!   I adopted him in the mid eighties, and he seems to like it around here.
     Tex has gotten me into some pretty kinky scenes from time to time!  This appears to have been in our gas mask experimentation era!  No, I won't bore you with equipment details -- Tex would never stand for that kind of thing!  Doesn't he look sharp in a rubberjock, though?  He's always liked my laced front shorts from Mister "S", so that makes two of us, for sure! Tex and Harold in Gas Attack Practice!
Harold and Tex Together in Leather      Finally, we got together in leather, and on Shorecrest Road!   Tex is wearing his comfortable trapeze jock, which has been his standard gear for years now.   This was an early photo of my Woodlands Camouflage outfit, right after I got the matching cap.
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