The Leather Oaks Hot Garden -- The Pro Photo Page

Different angles on old themes.

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This Page Created on January 13th, 2013
Harold and King Neptune Neptune and I go way back. At least to the beginnings of Leather Oaks, the Suburban Location. He seems to have just made some rather pertinent comment.
     This next picture was actually taken from 30 feet above the Garden, on the Tower Room Balcony. The hand chair seems to lend itself to relaxed lounging. Appears that those are the Century 3000 Waders. In Hand Seating with Century Waders
Front Yard Triking      How did this huge trike get in my front yard?? The things we'll do for a friendly photographer, I guess. These seem to be the Hodgeman Tight Ankle Waders.
     Is a trike a legitimate lawn ornament? Even in South Mississippi!
      This was one of those minor miracles, where Harold broke a smile! Yes, the gauntlets don't quite match as they're usually part of my Mardi Gras Flight Suit ensemble.
Smiling Harold the Triker Pose
Passenger on my own Trike!      One doesn't often get to ride on the passenger seat -- It's hard to reach the handlebars, for one thing. But bulge visibility is much enhanced.
      Back in the rider's saddle, but ready for the highway. At least, my boots are on the highway pegs! Leather Butt in the Saddle
Headin' Your Way!!      It seems I'm about to zoom out of town. Well, actually I happen to know this is the end of the Triker Session, for now. For the record, all of these photos date from December 1, 2007.
     Remember that photo taken way up in the air? Back in the Tower Room, it seems Danin's still way above it all. I had no idea the ceiling was this high! Eagle's View of Spread Eagle Harold!
Smiling Slinged SpreadEagle      Well, the camera is off the ceiling now.
      It's a surprise, maybe even a disappoinment when folks find out I've no experience in the purported primary purpose of a leather sling. It just always appeared that it had to be a fun, comfortable cross between a hammock and a canvas deck chair. The really interesting thing is practically everyone who visits my Tower Room just “has to try it”!
     Finally a close up! I think we're about to head downstairs. If you want to follow us, please click the photo. It will take you to the second page of this Pro Photo Shoot! Harold Hanging on for Dear Life