The Leather Oaks Hot Garden -- Leather & Skin Section

The Interesting Tan Lines Production Department
Page Three

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This Page Created on February 18th, 2008
Vulnerable LeatherJocked Carpenter! Ooooh! ! Is this a vulnerable pose or not? I'm sure there was some completely rational explanation for the activity.
     We never pose these things, you know . . . .
     Much better! A craftsman intent on his work is always a beautiful creature. Well, to someone, anyway. Leather Carpenter intent on his task
Is this a good thing?      The latch is on the ground. The carpenter is gazing intently at his workpiece. Is this a good thing? Will there be gate closure?
     Well, gate closure does seem to be just about there! Was that why Wolf was already moving further away? Leather Butted Gate Closure
Leather-briefed Bulge Builder      Two thousand photos later, but only 18 months in time. The other day, we had one of those miraculous warm spells in the middle of winter, and wearing much else would have indeed been a sweaty proposition. This could have gone on my jockstrap page, but since I actually worked in the yard for several hours so attired, it seemed to fit the Leather and Skin department best. The green aquatic-themed cutouts in the background are part of my Rubberman Frieze.
      Build this Bulge at Home! ! All it will take is a swim jock, one or two JockUps (I sell them, you know) a pair of leather briefs. A leather lifting belt, and oh, and a Bonji cord. Seemed to help keep my interest up as I worked the Garden. Build this Bulge at Home ! !
Rubber-booted Leather Briefed Garden Worker
     I didn't mention the boots, did I? They've more than a couple of miles on them. But at least the old nylon mesh straps can be tied off to keep the tops up.
      Can you believe?  We've reached the end of the entire Leather & Skin Section!   I guess the only way to go now is somewhere else.  Please use this link to return you to the Hot Garden Main Page!
Another Hot Garden Choice, please?!!