The Leather Oaks Garden -- Hurricane Georges 1998

Another September Excitement!

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This Page Created on January 22nd, 2008
The offending pine tree Living through Georges once was enough, I've decided! So, you won't see a long sequence of photos detailing everything that happened after the hurrricane.
     This photo shows my neighbor worrying the stump of the downed tree, readying it for removal. The reason for the extra care can be seen when you see how close the tree was to Rubber Creek and other Leather Oaks Garden landmarks.
     Well, the stump wasn't ready for its departure, so Mike stepped in to cut it down to size.
     We had had to remove three clumps of Chinese bamboo to get access into the area through my neighbor's yard.
     As you might expect, the tree removal project did a lot more damage to the yard than Georges did alone!
Pine tree stump dissection
Ginger Lily in bloom      I took well over a hundred photos of the tree removal and other aspects of Georges.
     But, even in all of the wild aftermath, there were many high points. The ginger lilies, which had been remarkably non-flowering a week earlier for the Pond Tour, decided that this would be a great time to put on a show!
      If you want to see the rebuilding photos, I've grouped them on the "June 1999" page. There's a link here and on the main Garden Page.